Thursday, December 4, 2008

Not Funny…

Everyone is piling on Cleveland, and not just the Browns…

It's bad enough that the Titans have the most hideous looking uniforms ever designed for a pro football team. I mean really, did Queer Eye have a say in the design of those things? What's with the Flaming “T”? You should have stuck with the old Oilers uni's! I thought Nashville was filled with rough tough cowboys and country stars? I guess it's just a bunch of pansies and rhinestone cowboys. [click here for wikipedia of Titans history and Uni's - UGH-LY!]

The below is taken from the Nashville Scene at this link -> Browns vs. Titans…

Browns vs. Titans Redux: It's Not Easy Being Brown Posted December 04, 2008 at 06:13:36 AM by Jack Silverman
Here's a police report of questionable origin that's clogging up email inboxes throughout Northern Ohio. Yes, we know it's juvenile. But perhaps it will help you to better understand me, not to mention Scene editor Pete Kotz, who also did a few years of hard time in the land of Cleve. This one's for you, Pete:

Breaking News:
Monday, Dec. 3, 2008
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland Police have recovered the body of an adult male from the Cuyahoga River at 6:45 AM. The victim apparently fell in and drowned due to excessive alcohol consumption. He was wearing a Cleveland Browns jersey, black fishnet stockings and a red garter belt. He also had a cucumber inserted in his rectum.

The police thoughtfully removed the Browns jersey to spare the family any unnecessary embarrassment.
Hey Nashville, LAY-OFF! Silverman and Kotz couldn't hack it in C-Town, so they fled town only to try and disparage it from the safety of the miles between. We didn't want or need you in Cleveland, good riddance! Your lucky to even have a football team in Nashville let alone Tennessee, which you stole from Houston. Enjoy it now while it lasts you Appalachian A-Holes, your fan base is weak at best and you can't even draw more fans than the pathetic Volunteers. Heck even Vanderbilt has a bigger fan base than the Titans. And if you are Browns fans, then shame on you for pandering to the local Nashville crowd.

Your team may win the game this weekend, but at least Browns Fans are not fair-weather fans wearing what looks like a costume reject from Saturday Night Fever.

“This just in, a man found floating in the Cuyahoga River has been identified as an undisclosed writer from Nashville. He is described as the same man who chose to walk through the Municipal Lot wearing a Titans jersey, fishnet stocking, a red garter belt and eating a cucumber hours before the kickoff of the Browns and Titans Game in Nashville. [yes we even tailgate for away games sometimes] Browns fans felt sorry for him and offered him a beer. Then he began to show signs that he couldn’t handle his liquor as he tried to kiss another man. Browns fans quickly reacted by restraining the man by placing a Browns jersey over him. It is reported that he then dropped his cucumber and unfortunately fell straight down on it forcing it into his rectum. A few generous Cleveland fans offered to take him to the hospital and placed him in the back of their pickup truck. As they crossed the Memorial Bridge than man jumped from the moving vehicle to the Cuyahoga below, killing him instantly. The Cleveland fans immediately called authorities but the body was not found until the next morning.”
[Ed Note - No Titans fans or writers/editors were harmed in the writing of this story, though they should probably be careful the next time they visit Cleveland for a football game.]

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