Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Long over due posting…

I haven't posted in over a month due to many reasons, the least of which is a busy personal schedule the past month or so…

So let's see… on the sports front:
  1. The Browns have completely overhauled their front office. (more on that to come on future postings)
  2. The Cavaliers are whooping butts and taking names in the Eastern Conference. (LeBron should win MVP no matter what Kobe does)
  3. The Tribe is opening Spring Training at their new home in Goodyear, AZ - which will make it a "bad year" for me as I will not be able to make the trip to spring ball anytime in the foreseeable future.

On the national front…
  1. We've elected a new President in the form of Barack Obama. Which you may or may not have noticed is our first black president. (you don't say? - wow, never would have figured that out myself!) Who may also turn out to be the most liberal and socialist man to ever hold office. Let's hope he manages from the middle...
  2. The economy is in the tank and 1oo's of thousands have lost their jobs.
  3. It appears that the largest socialist spending bill (just north of $790 billion) in history will become law within days, sending this country further into debt and bankrupting our future. (so much for managing from the middle…)
But I digress - the reason for my post today is to share this story I read about state sovereignty. With everything else that is happening in our great nation, I felt that this was a must read article and may represent more to come.

Check it out here -

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